Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil | +55 41 99878 4980 |

Isabella Santos Lanave
Artista visual paranaense, 30 anos, nascida na cidade de Curitiba, Brasil. Em seu trabalho investiga questões relacionadas a loucura, espiritualidade e territórios possíveis. Atua no mercado como fotógrafa e também como diretora de fotografia. Em 2017, foi citada pela revista TIME como uma das 34 fotojornalistas a serem seguidas pelo mundo. Em 2018, foi uma das fotógrafas selecionadas para o 6th New York Portfolio Review, nos Estados Unidos. Em 2019, o projeto Fátima teve sua primeira exposição individual no Centro de Fotografia de Montevideo, no Uruguai. Isabella é formada em Comunicação Social – Jornalismo e se especializou em Saúde Mental e Psicanálise pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná. Atualmente estuda Mestrado em Artes Visuais na Belas Artes do Paraná.
Isabella Santos Lanave is a 30 years old, Latin American photographer, born in the city of Curitiba, in the south of Brazil. Lanave holds a BA in Social Communication – Journalism (PUC - 2016). In 2017 she was cited in “34 Women Photojournalists to be Followed” by TIME. In 2018, she was one of the artists selected for the 6th New York Portfolio Review. In 2019, her long-term project Fátima about the daily process to access the imaginary her mother have the first individual exposition in the Photography Center of Montevideo, in Uruguay. In 2020, she was finalist of 14 Award Press Women by Portal Imprensa in the category of photojournalism. Isabella is focused on researching issues related to mental health and identity.
Artista visual paranaense, 30 anos, nascida na cidade de Curitiba, Brasil. Em seu trabalho investiga questões relacionadas a loucura, espiritualidade e territórios possíveis. Atua no mercado como fotógrafa e também como diretora de fotografia. Em 2017, foi citada pela revista TIME como uma das 34 fotojornalistas a serem seguidas pelo mundo. Em 2018, foi uma das fotógrafas selecionadas para o 6th New York Portfolio Review, nos Estados Unidos. Em 2019, o projeto Fátima teve sua primeira exposição individual no Centro de Fotografia de Montevideo, no Uruguai. Isabella é formada em Comunicação Social – Jornalismo e se especializou em Saúde Mental e Psicanálise pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná. Atualmente estuda Mestrado em Artes Visuais na Belas Artes do Paraná.
Isabella Santos Lanave is a 30 years old, Latin American photographer, born in the city of Curitiba, in the south of Brazil. Lanave holds a BA in Social Communication – Journalism (PUC - 2016). In 2017 she was cited in “34 Women Photojournalists to be Followed” by TIME. In 2018, she was one of the artists selected for the 6th New York Portfolio Review. In 2019, her long-term project Fátima about the daily process to access the imaginary her mother have the first individual exposition in the Photography Center of Montevideo, in Uruguay. In 2020, she was finalist of 14 Award Press Women by Portal Imprensa in the category of photojournalism. Isabella is focused on researching issues related to mental health and identity.
Thank you!
1994, Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil.
2024: Master. Visual Arts. Escola de Música e Belas Artes do Paraná. UNESPAR, Curitiba, Brazil.
2020: Postgraduate. Mental Health, Psychopathology and Psychoanalysis Specialization. PUCPR.
2012 – 2016: Bachelor’s in Journalism, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil.
2014: Academic Exchange in Photography Center of Arts, Photography and Design, UDG, México.
2024: Photobook project development course with Rony Maltz.
2023: History and Mental Health – Study Group with Ana Terra de Leon.
2021: Núcleo de Audiovisual Sesi/PR - Laboratory for developing projects and artistic creations.
2020: A história é outra – Study Group on Photography with Daniele Queiroz.
2018 - 2019: Monitor and Participant of the Study and Production Group in Photography and Photobooks with André Penteado.
2018: Founder and participant of the Study Group on Photography Other Initiatives.
2022: Leve a sério o que ela diz / Take her seriously. Photobook. Lovely House Editora
2024: Selected. Best Cinematography for "Bença" (short film). Festival Satyricine. Brazil.
2024: Nominated. for Joop Swart Masterclass by World Press Photo.
2022: Selected. Leve a sério o que ela diz (photobook). Festival ZUM 2022 - Instituto Moreira Salles. Brasil
2022: Selected. Leve a sério o que ela diz (photobook). Athens Photo Festival - PhotoBook Exhibition. Greece.
2022: Selected. Artistic Residency in Porto, Portugal. MIRA FORUM and Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
2021: Longlisted. Wellcome Photography Prize. Take Her Seriously.
2021: Tutor at Mulheres em Residência, an online residency for women. Galeria Ponto de Fuga. Brazil.
2020: Selected. Year in pictures. Women Photograph
2020: Selected. Women Photograph Workshop.
2020: Winner. Grant National Geographic Society Covid-19 Emergency Fund
2019: Selected. Year in pictures. Women Photograph
2019: Participant. Portfolio Review in Forum Latino Americano de Fotografia - Itau Cultural - SP
2019: Shortlisted. Photography and Social Justice Fellowship - Magnum Foundation.
2019: Nominated. The Prix Pictet - The global award in photography and sustainability.
2018: Selected. Year in pictures. Women Photograph
2018: Selected. Exposiciones Fotográficas - Centro de Fotografia de Montevideo, Uruguai.
2018: Selected. Salão Nacional de Fotografia Pérsio Galembeck, São Paulo, Brazil.
2018: Selected. Looking Slowly projection in Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie with The Smell of Dust. Arles, France.
2018: Participant. 6th New York Portfolio Review.
2018: Nominated. for Joop Swart Masterclass by World Press Photo.
2018: Selected Work, Fatima, Portfolio Show in Tiradentes Photography Festival.
2017: Nominated. 6x6 Global Talent by World Press Photo.
2017: Selected Work, Fatima, VICE Photo Issue in a conversation with Alessandra Sanguinetti.
2017: 34 Women Photojournalists to Follow, cited by TIME Magazine.
2017: Winner. Above Red Lands. Documentary. Sangue Novo Award Paraná of Journalism, Brazil.
2016: Selected. Miss Trans, The best of Brazilian photojournalism, Editora Europa.
2016: Winner. Be a Woman, Photojournalism essay, Sangue Novo Award Paraná of Journalism, Brazil.
2014: Honorable Mention. Photo contest Let's protect La Barranca Huentitan, Collective Frente Ciudadano por Nuestra Barranca, México.
2022: Leve a sério o que ela diz, photobook. MED PHOTO FEST. Brasil: ácido e sedutor. Sicilia, Itália. (Coletiva)
2022: Leve a sério o que ela diz, photobook. Festival Imaginária. Constelações latinas: encontros em fotolivros. São Paulo, Brasil. (Coletiva)
2021: Afetividades Fotográficas nas Curitibas Possíveis, Opera de Arame, Curitiba, Brasil. (Coletiva).
2020: Leve a sério o que ela diz, Galeria Ponto de Fuga, Curitiba, Brasil. (Individual)
2019: Fátima, Prefeitura de Maringá, ONG Decida Viver – Setembro Amarelo. Maringá, Brasil. (Individual).
2019: Fátima, II Congresso Internacional de Fenomenologia e Psicologia e ao IV Congresso Brasileiro de Psicologia e Fenomenologia, UFPR. Curitiba, Brasil. (Individual).
2019: Fátima, Fotogaleria Ciudad Vieja, CDF Montevideo, Uruguai. (Individual).
2019: Estamos aqui! Relevos no horizonte do acervo do Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Paraná, Curitiba, Brasil. (Grupo)
2019: Projeto Observador no Palacete dos Leões, Hospital Pequeno Príncipe, Curitiba, Brasil (Grupo).
2018: My Nipples Are Not, online exhibition in Nipple Magazine Instagram @nipplemagazine (Group).
2018: Substance Body, Ponto de Fuga Gallery, Curitiba, Brazil (Group).
2017: VICE Magazine Photo Show, New York, NY, United States of America (Group).
2016: Instalation Mariana, Red Bull Station, São Paulo, Brasil (Group).
2016: Cuerpo Violado, Exposición Barullo, 10 años del colectivo Rebelarte, Montevideo, Uruguai (Group).
2014: Miscelánea, Tourism Departament, Guadalajara, México (Group).
2014: Con Caráter Mexicano, Museo Regional de La Cerámica, Guadalajara, México (Group).
2014: Pará 3x4, Centro Europeu, Curitiba, Brazil (Group).
2014: This retrospective are looks for the future, Photography Museum of Curitiba, Brazil (Group).
2024: BENÇA. Short film. Selected for Festival Satyricine. Brazil.
2024: BENÇA. Short film. Selected for 36 Rencontres de Toulouse - Cinélatino. França.
2023: BENÇA. Short film. Selected and winner: Prêmio do Júri Popular. 25º Festival Kinoarte de Cinema. Brazil.
2023: BENÇA. Short film. Selected. 33º Cine Ceará - Festival Ibero-americano de Cinema, Brazil.
2023: BENÇA. Short film. Selected. 25ª Festival do Rio, Brazil.
2022: Revisora de Portfolio em Foto Féminas Portfolio Review.
2021: Núcleo de Audiovisual Sesi/PR - Laboratory for the development of projects and artistic creations
2020: A história é outra. Study Group with Daniele Queiroz.
2018-2019: Monitor and participant in André Penteado monthly study group, in São Paulo (SP), Brazil.
2018: Founder and participant in Outras Iniciativa, a biweekly study group in Curitiba (PR), Brazil.
2018: Essa não é uma oficina de roteiros, workshop with William Biaglioli. International Film Festival, Olhar de Cinema, Brazil.
2017: O Espaço Que Não Ocupamos, As Palavras Que Nós Não Dizemos with Nair Benedicto. Workshop. Valongo International Image Festival, Brazil.
2017: Além Do Teste De Bechdel: A Representação Da Mulher No Cinema with Carol Almeida. Workshop. International Film Festival, Olhar de Cinema, Brazil.
2017: Editar É Preciso // Processos Criativos with André Penteado. Workshop. Valongo International Image Festival, Brazil.
2015: Da Prática ao Porético: Fotografia Documental with Guy Veloso. Workshop. Vanessa Múrio Eventos, VM, Brasil.
2015: 3rd Course 'Vito Gianotti' of popular communication from Paraná. CCP, Brazil.
2015: A Fábula no Documentário with Rafael Urban and Larissa Figueiredo. Workshop. International Film Festival, Olhar de Cinema, Brazil.
2013: Workshop of Cinematographic Screenplay. Ficção Viva, Brasil.
2013: Pre-Produced Authorial Photography Workshop. Fundação Catarinense de Cultura, FCC, Brazil.
2012: University Extension in Cinema Documentário: Reflexões e Práticas with Eduardo Baggio and Rafael Urban. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, PUC/PR, Brazil
1994, Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil.
2024: Master. Visual Arts. Escola de Música e Belas Artes do Paraná. UNESPAR, Curitiba, Brazil.
2020: Postgraduate. Mental Health, Psychopathology and Psychoanalysis Specialization. PUCPR.
2012 – 2016: Bachelor’s in Journalism, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil.
2014: Academic Exchange in Photography Center of Arts, Photography and Design, UDG, México.
2024: Photobook project development course with Rony Maltz.
2023: History and Mental Health – Study Group with Ana Terra de Leon.
2021: Núcleo de Audiovisual Sesi/PR - Laboratory for developing projects and artistic creations.
2020: A história é outra – Study Group on Photography with Daniele Queiroz.
2018 - 2019: Monitor and Participant of the Study and Production Group in Photography and Photobooks with André Penteado.
2018: Founder and participant of the Study Group on Photography Other Initiatives.
2022: Leve a sério o que ela diz / Take her seriously. Photobook. Lovely House Editora
2024: Selected. Best Cinematography for "Bença" (short film). Festival Satyricine. Brazil.
2024: Nominated. for Joop Swart Masterclass by World Press Photo.
2022: Selected. Leve a sério o que ela diz (photobook). Festival ZUM 2022 - Instituto Moreira Salles. Brasil
2022: Selected. Leve a sério o que ela diz (photobook). Athens Photo Festival - PhotoBook Exhibition. Greece.
2022: Selected. Artistic Residency in Porto, Portugal. MIRA FORUM and Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
2021: Longlisted. Wellcome Photography Prize. Take Her Seriously.
2021: Tutor at Mulheres em Residência, an online residency for women. Galeria Ponto de Fuga. Brazil.
2020: Selected. Year in pictures. Women Photograph
2020: Selected. Women Photograph Workshop.
2020: Winner. Grant National Geographic Society Covid-19 Emergency Fund
2019: Selected. Year in pictures. Women Photograph
2019: Participant. Portfolio Review in Forum Latino Americano de Fotografia - Itau Cultural - SP
2019: Shortlisted. Photography and Social Justice Fellowship - Magnum Foundation.
2019: Nominated. The Prix Pictet - The global award in photography and sustainability.
2018: Selected. Year in pictures. Women Photograph
2018: Selected. Exposiciones Fotográficas - Centro de Fotografia de Montevideo, Uruguai.
2018: Selected. Salão Nacional de Fotografia Pérsio Galembeck, São Paulo, Brazil.
2018: Selected. Looking Slowly projection in Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie with The Smell of Dust. Arles, France.
2018: Participant. 6th New York Portfolio Review.
2018: Nominated. for Joop Swart Masterclass by World Press Photo.
2018: Selected Work, Fatima, Portfolio Show in Tiradentes Photography Festival.
2017: Nominated. 6x6 Global Talent by World Press Photo.
2017: Selected Work, Fatima, VICE Photo Issue in a conversation with Alessandra Sanguinetti.
2017: 34 Women Photojournalists to Follow, cited by TIME Magazine.
2017: Winner. Above Red Lands. Documentary. Sangue Novo Award Paraná of Journalism, Brazil.
2016: Selected. Miss Trans, The best of Brazilian photojournalism, Editora Europa.
2016: Winner. Be a Woman, Photojournalism essay, Sangue Novo Award Paraná of Journalism, Brazil.
2014: Honorable Mention. Photo contest Let's protect La Barranca Huentitan, Collective Frente Ciudadano por Nuestra Barranca, México.
2022: Leve a sério o que ela diz, photobook. MED PHOTO FEST. Brasil: ácido e sedutor. Sicilia, Itália. (Coletiva)
2022: Leve a sério o que ela diz, photobook. Festival Imaginária. Constelações latinas: encontros em fotolivros. São Paulo, Brasil. (Coletiva)
2021: Afetividades Fotográficas nas Curitibas Possíveis, Opera de Arame, Curitiba, Brasil. (Coletiva).
2020: Leve a sério o que ela diz, Galeria Ponto de Fuga, Curitiba, Brasil. (Individual)
2019: Fátima, Prefeitura de Maringá, ONG Decida Viver – Setembro Amarelo. Maringá, Brasil. (Individual).
2019: Fátima, II Congresso Internacional de Fenomenologia e Psicologia e ao IV Congresso Brasileiro de Psicologia e Fenomenologia, UFPR. Curitiba, Brasil. (Individual).
2019: Fátima, Fotogaleria Ciudad Vieja, CDF Montevideo, Uruguai. (Individual).
2019: Estamos aqui! Relevos no horizonte do acervo do Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Paraná, Curitiba, Brasil. (Grupo)
2019: Projeto Observador no Palacete dos Leões, Hospital Pequeno Príncipe, Curitiba, Brasil (Grupo).
2018: My Nipples Are Not, online exhibition in Nipple Magazine Instagram @nipplemagazine (Group).
2018: Substance Body, Ponto de Fuga Gallery, Curitiba, Brazil (Group).
2017: VICE Magazine Photo Show, New York, NY, United States of America (Group).
2016: Instalation Mariana, Red Bull Station, São Paulo, Brasil (Group).
2016: Cuerpo Violado, Exposición Barullo, 10 años del colectivo Rebelarte, Montevideo, Uruguai (Group).
2014: Miscelánea, Tourism Departament, Guadalajara, México (Group).
2014: Con Caráter Mexicano, Museo Regional de La Cerámica, Guadalajara, México (Group).
2014: Pará 3x4, Centro Europeu, Curitiba, Brazil (Group).
2014: This retrospective are looks for the future, Photography Museum of Curitiba, Brazil (Group).
2024: BENÇA. Short film. Selected for Festival Satyricine. Brazil.
2024: BENÇA. Short film. Selected for 36 Rencontres de Toulouse - Cinélatino. França.
2023: BENÇA. Short film. Selected and winner: Prêmio do Júri Popular. 25º Festival Kinoarte de Cinema. Brazil.
2023: BENÇA. Short film. Selected. 33º Cine Ceará - Festival Ibero-americano de Cinema, Brazil.
2023: BENÇA. Short film. Selected. 25ª Festival do Rio, Brazil.
2022: Revisora de Portfolio em Foto Féminas Portfolio Review.
2021: Núcleo de Audiovisual Sesi/PR - Laboratory for the development of projects and artistic creations
2020: A história é outra. Study Group with Daniele Queiroz.
2018-2019: Monitor and participant in André Penteado monthly study group, in São Paulo (SP), Brazil.
2018: Founder and participant in Outras Iniciativa, a biweekly study group in Curitiba (PR), Brazil.
2018: Essa não é uma oficina de roteiros, workshop with William Biaglioli. International Film Festival, Olhar de Cinema, Brazil.
2017: O Espaço Que Não Ocupamos, As Palavras Que Nós Não Dizemos with Nair Benedicto. Workshop. Valongo International Image Festival, Brazil.
2017: Além Do Teste De Bechdel: A Representação Da Mulher No Cinema with Carol Almeida. Workshop. International Film Festival, Olhar de Cinema, Brazil.
2017: Editar É Preciso // Processos Criativos with André Penteado. Workshop. Valongo International Image Festival, Brazil.
2015: Da Prática ao Porético: Fotografia Documental with Guy Veloso. Workshop. Vanessa Múrio Eventos, VM, Brasil.
2015: 3rd Course 'Vito Gianotti' of popular communication from Paraná. CCP, Brazil.
2015: A Fábula no Documentário with Rafael Urban and Larissa Figueiredo. Workshop. International Film Festival, Olhar de Cinema, Brazil.
2013: Workshop of Cinematographic Screenplay. Ficção Viva, Brasil.
2013: Pre-Produced Authorial Photography Workshop. Fundação Catarinense de Cultura, FCC, Brazil.
2012: University Extension in Cinema Documentário: Reflexões e Práticas with Eduardo Baggio and Rafael Urban. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, PUC/PR, Brazil
Member of
Women Photograph
Women Photograph